Things to do

Things to do

There’s more than enough things to do in Zeeland. Have an active day on the water or just lazing on the beach. Cycle around the Zak van Zuid-Beveland or trace the history of Zeeland in a museum. Taste the buzz in the villages and towns. Or sniff out some quiet and visit one of the undiscovered spots. Go on your own, with your partner or with the entire family. Zeeland is bursting with adventure and attractions.

Finding conviviality

Tasteful shopping streets with bijou boutiques or, on the contrary, large chain stores and bustling events in special spots. You’ll find it all in Zeeland: easy, convivial. Go walkabout in our special Zeeuwse villages and towns and see how surprised you’ll be by their typical features. Stop by at one of the restaurants for a snack and a drink to tank up on energy for another outing!

Ready to go out and about

in the Zeeuwse nature?

Tips for the summer

Where better to be than by the sea in the summer? Summertime in Zeeland is spectacular. Nowhere are you more than 15 minutes away from the water! Enjoy some of our finest beaches or experience Zeeland’s natural beauty by paddleboard. Come face-to-face with the seals in the Oosterschelde on a seal safari. Are you the adventurous type? Feel the adrenaline rush through your veins whilst inside the belly of a Skyshark! And if it’s peace and quiet you’re looking for, a trip to one of Zeeland’s hidden beauty spots will definitely be worth the effort.

Get inspired!

Out and about in the summer

Finding conviviality

Tasteful shopping streets with bijou boutiques or, on the contrary, large chain stores and bustling events in special spots. You’ll find it all in Zeeland: easy, convivial. Go walkabout in our special Zeeuwse villages and towns and see how surprised you’ll be by their typical features. Stop by at one of the restaurants for a snack and a drink to tank up on energy for another outing!

Immerse yourself

in fun vibes

With the family

There’s enough to do with the kids during your visit to Zeeland. A palette of delights: Deltapark Neeltje Jans and Groede Podium, Stoomtrein Goes-Borsele and Tropical Zoo: loads of day trips on offer. Ejoy a day out. Or stay overnight and have a fun weekend away in Zeeland with the whole family.

Enjoy the pearls of Zeeland

with the whole family

Emjoy your stay in Zeeland

Get inspired